How to Download A Song
Follow the Instructions below for easy listening or downloading

To listen and download, just click on the download link to listen to the music. Since these files are MP3 files, and are quite large, it may take a few minutes for them to load and buffer in your computer's music player. Once the process is complete, the song is loaded into your computer's temporary files for playback by your computer's music player.

The song may start playing before it is finished downloading, depending upon the settings in your music player. However, remember that depending upon the speed of your connection, the speed of the song playing may overtake the speed of the downloading process. If this happens, the song may be interrupted. In this case, simply start the song over. The song will continue downloading while you are listening, and usually the song will finish downloading before the playback is interrupted again. In any case, once the song is completely downloaded, you can listen to the song without interruption.

As an alternative, PC users can "right mouse click" on the link and save the file to their hard drive. This allows you to permanently have the song and you can listen even when you are not on-line.

Remember that all these songs and arrangements have been copyrighted. They are for private use only. Any sale or public exhibition of this material without the express permission of Max Little is prohibited.

Thanks for listening!

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